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SIP Samatva
Why Has This Programme Become Essential ?
With increasing inequality in society, access to education is also becoming difficult for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. At SIP, our aim is to provide these families the opportunity to enrol their children to the SIP Abacus course and enable the children for skill development.

What Is Our Mission Through This Programme ?
Our primary objective is to assist children to unlock their full mental potential. Through the SIP Abacus programme, the children acquire the skills of concentration, retention & recall and arithmetic ability. Their visual learning skills, listening skills and speed writing skills improve, with overall positive impact on them. The children develop into better learners with more confidence in tackling challenges not just in their academics but the skills acquired help them in managing challenges in the future.
What Is The Programme All About ?
Under the SIP Samatva initiative, children enrolled in the SIP Abacus programme at centres, are able to complete the programme with a lesser burden of fees. The programme can be availed at a concessional fee of 75%. The children join the same class as other full-fee paying students with no differentiation in course content, teaching inputs or activity participation.

Respect The Girl Child
The falling sex ratio in our 2011 census shook us into action. We are extremely concerned as this will have serious ramifications for our society in the years ahead. Keeping this in mind SIP Academy India adopted an initiative on “Respect the Girl Child” as our core Corporate Social Responsibility for the next 5 years on 5th August 2011- Our Founding Day Anniversary.
We, as an Organization take immense pride in having developed numerous confident and enterprising women in various roles such as Course Instructors, LCLs, Master Trainers, Area Heads, State Heads and Employees. Our team of women has not only transformed our Organization, but also in many ways the society they are living in.

The first task is to spread awareness about this very serious issue. We want all associated with training & developing children as change agents.
In 2011, we also initiated one campaign – A pledge for parents of boy child, “I will not take Dowry.” The drive for this initiative was mainly because parents of the girl child have to spend money as dowry due to social pressures. In the prevalent socio-economic realities, most parents find their hands tied to get substantial money for dowry. In a majority of cases they end up carrying a lifelong burden of loans.
To create Social consciousness we introduced a pledge card that parents can volunteer and sign on the card and vow not to receive or demand dowry for their son’s marriage.
In 2013, we initiated another campaign this time for parents of girl children – A pledge card saying “I pledge to support and respect my daughter in her choices relating to Higher Education and Career.”
Many SIPians and associates have taken this vow and signed the pledge card.
Other Initiatives in 2015:
At Chennai, we are supporting the education of a few girl children from a nearby school (Sharadha Vidayalaya), managed by the Ramakrishna Mission. These girls come from poor backgrounds and also are doing poorly in school and hence are at risk for dropping out. The project is to educate Girl Children to bring them respect. Based on the school’s requirement, this year we sponsored the education of 16 students.
Pledge card was extended to parents during various events. 55 girl child pledge cards and 48 boy child pledge cards were signed.
Nepal relief fund
Joy of Giving Week
Chennai flood relief- SIP Academy India took the following initiative to support those affected by Chennai flood:
- 50% of the Monthly royalty payable for November by all the Chennai Franchisees of SIP Abacus & Global Art were waived off
- 100% of monthly royalty payable for November by the 13 worst affected centers in Chennai , Cuddalore & Pondicherry were waived off
- All employees and channel partners contributed towards the cause
- Provided financial support to 36 Course Instructors and 10 employees who were worst affected.
Other Initiatives in 2014:
At Chennai, we are supporting the education of a few girl children from a nearby school (SharadhaVidayalaya), managed by the Ramakrishna Mission. These girls come from poor backgrounds and also are doing poorly in school and hence are at risk for dropping out. The project is to educate Girl Children to bring them respect. Based on the school’s requirement, this year we sponsored the education of 16 students.
Pledge card was extended to parents during various events. 174 girl child pledge cards and 81 boy child pledge cards were signed.
Kashmir Relief fund – To support the innocent people suffering in cold during December 2014 winter, SIP Academy India donated 2000 blankets to Uday Foundation (through NDTV ). The funds were collected from the entire system – from Parent to Employee.
2 hr Counseling session for 10th Std students at Sharadha Vidhyalaya.
for further information , you can write to our CSR official : punitha@sipacademyindia.com
SIP foundation - Enabling The Underprivileged Children
For A Better World, Empowering The Next Generation With Our Programmes
At SIP Foundation, we believe that all children deserve the right to education and skill development. We believe that economic factors should not restrict the chances of children from certain segments of society to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skill that will empower them to pursue a better future. We believe that by giving access to underprivileged children to our courses, we empower young children with essential mental skills, with which they will be able to face whatever challenges are thrown at them. They will have the equal opportunity and ability that they need to succeed in life, regardless of their childhood environment.
Become a SIP Water Warrior
Dear SIPians,
Did you know that there are 11 lakes in Chennai? Despite these water bodies, Chennai city has witnessed water shortages every year, especially during the summers. Residents queuing up in front of water tankers are a common sight. So, what can we do to reverse this water scarcity? Harvest rain water.
The much-awaited northeast monsoon is approaching, and a proper rainwater harvesting system can recharge the groundwater aquifers promising a better summer in the coming year.
We invite the 6300 students from Globalart and SIP Abacus, Chennai Centres to participate in this initiative and save Chennai City.
What you need to do to become a Chennai Water Warrior?
- Ensure that a Rain Water Harvesting System is implemented and/or maintained properly at your residence
- Share with us a declaration from your parent to this effect and collect the cool ‘Rainwater Warrior’ Badge from SIP Academy India

SIP Academy Spearheads Carbon Reduction through Miyawaki Forest Initiative
Overview: In July 2022, SIP Academy launched an initiative focused on combating the current crisis
of increasing carbon concentration levels in our atmosphere. This initiative underscores the urgent
and critical need to address the alarming rise in CO2, which has reached its highest at 417 parts permillion, approximately 50% higher than pre-industrial revolution levels.
The Urgency and Importance: Given the sharp increase in carbon concentration over the last 60
years, SIP Academy recognizes the immediate need to act. We are committed to societal development by raising awareness among its community, including children enrolled in its programs and their parents, about pressing social issues such as this.
Strategy for Carbon Reduction: Identifying tree planting as one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions, SIP Academy has chosen to focus on the creation of Miyawaki Forests. This method, pioneered by Japanese researcher Akira Miyawaki, emphasizes planting diverse native species densely (two to four trees per square meter), resulting in rapid growth and the establishment of self-sustaining forests within two to three years.
Benefits of Miyawaki Forests:
- Reduction of temperatures in urban areas, countering the "heat island" effect.
- Decrease in air and noise pollution.
- Enhancement of local biodiversity by attracting birds and insects.
- Creation of carbon sinks, significantly reducing atmospheric carbon.
SIP Academy’s commitment: SIP Academy India commits to creating Miyawaki Forests in cities where its programs operate. This initiative aims to educate the program children on the crucial role
of trees in mitigating carbon emissions. By involving children directly in the project, we seek to foster a generation that grows alongside these forests, understanding and contributing to environmental